Saturday, April 16, 2005


So we're off, not much to report, other than the discovery of the coolest radio station ever: 93.5 FM KDAY, where they play "hip hop hits of today and back in the day." I can't say enough about this, and considering the vast wasteland that is SD radio, we need a little KDAY down south ASAP.

Otherwise not much going on, got a bit of a late...wait, there has been a development. We have a Spongebob down, a Spongebob is down. Right here on the 5, in the carpool lane, an 8 foot Spongebob has been abandoned, probaby by someone who stole him from a Burger King.

A rescue mission was briefly contemplated, but ultimately we decided against it. Poor Spongebob...

Friday, April 15, 2005

Hitting the Road

So my brother and I are makng a quick trip up to SAC this weekend to pick up the last vestige of my and Rach's life in NoCal; our spa. Perhaps our worst purchase decision in a marriage marked by several major purchases (mostly good, some bad), the spa has been in "storage" in a friend's backyard up there since we moved. The $6k monstrosity is beautiful, worked flawlessly, and now is totally worthless to us since we live in a condo. Nonetheless, we are determined to recoup at least some of our investment one way or another, so Adam and I are off to retrieve it.

My goal for the weekend is to provide a running diary of our adventures...we'll see whether it works or not. We leave at 4 AM Saturday, and I am working on figuring out how to post both pictures and text from the road. If a real-time running diary does not work, a summary should be posted sometime Monday.

EDIT: Posting from the road should not be a problem, but you'll have to wait for pics until I come back and am able to upload.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


So this is little William, my nephew, who is will be a year old this May. The picture was taken at the model yacht basin near Mission Bay, while Adam was racing his model boats.

I took the picture with my new phone/pda/camera, and it actually came out pretty well.

Entry Two: Lets Give This Another Try

So I attempted to start this blog last August, and then the world intervened. Right after my very first post, I decided to leave my job in Sacramento. Then I got an offer to come back home to SD that was too good to pass up.

Then the holidays struck, followed immediately by a move. Then the settling in process, and the post-move hangover, then the job acclimation period, have the idea.

So I am trying again. Since blogging is the really "in" thing to do (at least for about another month or two) I am compelled by my inner-ego to contribute my thoughts, ramblings, recaps, and perspectives on pretty much anythings that strikes me.

Ideally, I would love to get feedback, participation, exchange of ideas, and intelligent debate about the intellectual nuggets I deem worthy of discussing here. But that will require 1) that someone actually read this, and 2) that the same someone be interested/stimulated enough to inspire them to participate in the discussion. We'll see.

In any event, stay tuned.