Saturday, January 19, 2008

Black Mountain Hike

This morning we went on a hike at nearby Black Mountain with the girls. The total distance according to my Garmin was 3.2 miles, and portions were pretty tough, but we had a great time overall.

We had some great views, and were even able to let the girls off leash for a little while when there were no other hikers around and the trail was narrow singletrack. At one point, when she was still on leash, Tia really wanted to chase some birds, so I don't know how that would have gone had she been unrestrained.

Every time we go hiking with them, we always resolve to do it more but somehow we never do. Hopefully that will change this time.

During the whole hike I kept trying to evaluate whether I could bike the trails we were walking. Many of them were extremely steep, and there were hills on both directions of the Miner's Loop. I'd like to try it, but I have a feeling there would be a ton of HAB.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pibb Update

As I've resurrected the blog (who knows how long it will last this time,) I decided to go back and re-read some of my old posts. It didn't take long to get through all five of them.

However, for those who read Sacramento Trip Recap Part II (Pibb Run) from April of 2005, and are curious about the status of the Pibb, rest assured that Adam has finished all of his, and I have hoarded all of mine. My Pibb has survived two subsequent home moves, and with the exception of a well-meaning home group member snagging a can in March, remained untouched until Christmas Eve 2007. Then I gave Adam a Pibb for Christmas. Now I have 6 and 10/12fths cases left. GOD bless us every one.

As a postscript, Adam is currently at the CHP Academy in West Sacramento, training to be, well, a CHP Officer. He now has access to all of the Pibb he can drink, and I hope he brings me some home on his next visit.

Monday, January 14, 2008

No Time Like the Present

I'm blogging again. I'll be starting with the mundane, just to get back in rhythm. Hopefully once I'm in the habit of posting, what I write will be of some significance.

Rach and I had an amazingly productive weekend, and knocked out a bunch of stuff that had been lingering for a really long time. Here's my partial list:

  • Cut the lawn and other yardwork;
  • Bought tires for the Acura (finally!);
  • Cleaned/organized the garage;
  • Cooked lasagna rolls (all Rach);
  • Cleaned carpet in living room/stairs;
  • Cleaned and organized office.
Most or all of those things had been haunting me for a while, so it felt great to get them crossed off the list. What a relief.

We're hosting the monthly chapter of the Christian Legal Society at our place this Tuesday, which prompted the long-overdue carpet cleaning. I'm excited for the meeting, less because of the meeting itself and more because hosting events like this is one of the reasons we wanted for so long to have a "real house." So it makes me reflect on how fortunate we are to live where we do and have what we have.