Monday, January 14, 2008

No Time Like the Present

I'm blogging again. I'll be starting with the mundane, just to get back in rhythm. Hopefully once I'm in the habit of posting, what I write will be of some significance.

Rach and I had an amazingly productive weekend, and knocked out a bunch of stuff that had been lingering for a really long time. Here's my partial list:

  • Cut the lawn and other yardwork;
  • Bought tires for the Acura (finally!);
  • Cleaned/organized the garage;
  • Cooked lasagna rolls (all Rach);
  • Cleaned carpet in living room/stairs;
  • Cleaned and organized office.
Most or all of those things had been haunting me for a while, so it felt great to get them crossed off the list. What a relief.

We're hosting the monthly chapter of the Christian Legal Society at our place this Tuesday, which prompted the long-overdue carpet cleaning. I'm excited for the meeting, less because of the meeting itself and more because hosting events like this is one of the reasons we wanted for so long to have a "real house." So it makes me reflect on how fortunate we are to live where we do and have what we have.

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